Gerbera bouquet
Gerbera bouquet
The gerbera has a cheerful and striking appearance that is available in a wide range of colors. No wonder this flower is a favorite with many and one of our best-selling flowers! So do you want to brighten up your own home or give someone else a colorful surprise? Then a gerbera bouquet is ideal! You can easily and quickly order the most beautiful bouquets of gerberas via our website. Order today before 2:00 PM (before 2:00 PM on Saturday) and have the bouquet delivered today to any address in the Netherlands.
Have Gerberas delivered throughout the Netherlands
Gerberas come in many different types and colors. What makes every gerbera special, however, are its intense, striking colours. Even the middle part, the heart of the flower, radiates with cheerfulness. In addition to the standard gerbera, with a flower size of approximately 9 to 13 centimeters, there is also the mini gerbera, also called germini. This is slightly smaller and has flowers with a diameter of about 6 to 8 centimeters. Whichever gerbera you prefer, you can easily have the bouquet delivered throughout the Netherlands. This can be done at someone's home, but also at business addresses or, for example, in a hospital.
Bouquets with beautiful gerberas
Because the gerbera blooms all year round and is so incredibly versatile, it is also a favorite with us florists. After all, they can arrange it perfectly together with other flowers. For example, combining it with tender flowers such as roses and carnations creates a very loving bouquet, with which you can show how grateful you are to someone in a special way. A cheerful flower like the gerbera is also perfect when there is something to celebrate and is therefore a welcome guest in our congratulatory bouquets . It is also often used to give a seasonal bouquet some extra color and charm.
Named after Traugott Gerber
Fun fact: did you know that the gerbera was named after the German Doctor Traugott Gerber, by the former mayor of Leiden, Jan Frederik Gronovius? This was a while ago, in the year 1737 to be precise. In addition to being mayor, Gronovius was also an amateur botanist and in that capacity he traveled to South Africa, where he discovered the then unnamed gerbera. Why he decided to name the flower after a German doctor is still not entirely clear now, almost three centuries later. What we do know is that Gerber was director of a botanical garden in Russia. But how the two knew each other and why he was given the honor of giving his name to this beautiful flower species will probably always remain a mystery.
Have a gerbera bouquet delivered today
Want to make someone's day today with a cheerful bouquet of flowers? Or would you like to give your own interior a cheerful boost? Order your gerbera bouquet immediately and have it delivered where you want! If you place your order before 2:00 PM (before 12:00 PM on Saturdays), we can deliver the bouquet today. Would you rather have it delivered another day? Then select your desired delivery day when ordering and we will ensure that the bouquet arrives that day.